We’re fast

Rc Money Services, You can make a transfer to family and friends in a matter of minutes on your laptop, or phone. And, in most cases, they’ll receive it instantly.

We’re easy to use

It’s so simple to make a transfer with RC Money services, see how it works here. If you do have any queries, we’re here to help anytime, night or day.


We’re low cost

There are never any nasty surprises. We are totally transparent and show our fees and exchange rates up front.

We’re secure

Nobody takes care of your hard-earned cash better. That’s why people trust us to send money to the people they care about countries. Money is guaranteed to arrive safely every time, thanks to our industry-leading technology.

Why choose RC Money Transfer?

We're Simple

We're Simple

No need to visit an agent. Send 90 currencies to 150 countries, from your smartphone or computer

We’re Safe

We’re Safe

Our industry-leading technology protects your money and guarantees it arrives safely every time

We're Fast

We're Fast

Rc Money services provides 90% of our transactions are authorised in minutes

We’re Low-cost

We’re Low-cost

See our low fees and the best exchange rates up front, with no hidden costs